Tribe: Cymbidieae
Subtribe: Oncidiniiae
From Greek = Onkos.
Olof Swartz, in 1800, gave this name due to the small callus situated at the base of the lip which seams to be a wart, tumor, swelling, which in Greek is Onkos

Brazilian Species

Brazilian species by section, according to Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter, Die Orchideen, 3. auflage. Bd.1 and occurrence by states.
We list a greater number of species as, according to Brazilian researchers, other species which have not been considered in this work, would be also valid.
This list is not exhaustive. It does not include all Brazilian species assigned to the genus Oncidium but the great part of them.

aberrans Schltr PR Paucituberculata
albini Schltr PR Waluewa
amabile(species dubia ) - Oblongata (ex Planifolia)
amictum Lindl ES, MG, MS, RJ, SP Waluewa
barbaceniae Lindl MG, PR, RJ, SP Oblongata (01)
barbatum Lindl AL, BA, CE, ES, MG, PB, PE, RJ Barbata
batemanianum Parm ex Knowl & West. GO, MG, RJ Verrucituberculata
baueri Lindl AL, AP, ES, MG, PA, RJ, SP (02) Oblongata (ex planifolia)
bifolium Sims PR, RS, SC Synsepala
blanchetii Rchb. f. BA, ES, MG, PE, PR, RJ, SC, SP Verrucituberculata
brunnipetalum Barb. Rodr. PR Synsepala
caldense Rchb. f. MG (03) Oblongata
cebolleta Sw AC, AL, AM, BA, CE, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PA, PB, PE, PI, RN, RR, TO (?) Cebolleta
celsissimum Hoffmsgg. sine loco (species dubia,) Oblongata (ex planifolia)
chapadense P. Castro & Campaccii GO (04) Verrucituberculata
chrysopterum (Lindl) Krzl MT (?) Barbata
chrysorhapis Rchb. f. SC Waluewa
chrysothyrsus Rchb. f. ex Warner (?) Synsepala
ciliatum Lindl AL, BA, CE, ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Barbata
cipoense MG -
cogniauxianum Schltr. PR, RJ, SC, SP Barbata
coloratum Kön & Weinm. ES Waluewa
concolor Hook MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP (05) Concoloria
cornigerum Lindl ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP (06) Waluewa
crispum Lodd ES, MG, PR, RJ, SC, SP Crispa
croesus Rchb. f. ES, RJ Barbata
cruciatum Rchb. f. MS, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP (07) Waluewa
curtum Lindl ES, PR, RJ Crispa
dasytyle Rchb. f. RJ Concoloria
divaricatum Lindl ES, MG, RJ Pulvinata
donianum Batem. ex Baxter PR, RJ, SC Verrucituberculata
edmundoi Pabst MG, RJ Oblongata
edwallii Cogn ES, MG, MS, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Paucituberculata
enderianum Hort RJ, SP (08 e 09) Crispa
eurycline Rchb. f. (?) Barbata
euxanthinum Rchb. f. (10) MG, SP Synsepala
fimbriatum Lindl ES, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP (06) Waluewa
flexuosum Sims AL, BA, ES, MG, PA, PE, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Synsepala
forbesii Hook ES, MG, RJ, SP Crispa
fuscans Rchb. f ES, MG, PR, RJ, SC Oblongata
fuscopetalum (Hoehne) Garay GO, MS ,MT, PA Barbata
gardneri Lindl ES, MG, PR, RJ, SP Crispa
ghillanyi Pabst MG (11) Synsepala
gilvum (Vell.) Pabst ES (species dubia) Waluewa
gracile Lindl MG Concoloria
gravesianum Rolfe ES, PB, PE, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP (08) Crispa
harrisonianum Lindl ES, MG, RJ, SP Pulvinata
heteranthum Poepp. & Endl PA Heterantha
hians Lindl MG, PR, RJ, SP Paucituberculata
hookeri Rolfe MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Paucituberculata
hydrophilum Barb. Rodr DF, GO,MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Verrucituberculata
imperatoris-maximiliani Rchb. f. RJ Crispa
isopterum Lindl MG, GO (?) Synsepala
jonesianum Rchb. f. BA, GO, MG, MS, MT, SP, TO Cebolleta
kautskyi Pabst ES Waluewa
kraenzlinianum Cogn ES, RJ Paucituberculata
leinigii Pabst PR Waluewa
lietzei Regel ES, PR, RJ, SP Waluewa
loefgrenii Cogn. ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Paucituberculata
longicornu Mutel ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Rhinocerontes
longipes Lindl ex Paxt. ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Barbata
macronyx Rchb. f. RS, SC Rhinocerontes
macropetalum Lindl DF, GO, MG, MS, MT, PA, SP Barbata
maculosum Lindl MG Synsepala
majevskyi Toscanto e Castro ES – RJ Synsepala
mantini Godefr. RJ (12) Crispa
marshallianum Rchb. f. ES, MG, RJ Crispa
martianum Lindl MG, PR Synsepala
micropogon Rchb. f. BA, ES, RS, SC Barbata
montanum Barb. Rodr. (14) Oblongata
orthostates Ridl AM, GO, RO, RR , TO Oblongata
ottonis Schltr. MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP (05) Concoloria
ouricanense Castro & Campacci BA Rostrata
paranaense Krzl MG, MS, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Paucituberculata
paranapiacabense Hoehne SP Synsepala
pectorale Lindl RJ, SC, SP (12) Crispa
pentescostele Rchb. f RJ (13) Oblongata (ex Planifolia)
phymatochilum Lindl BA (?), ES, MG, PE, RJ, SP Oncidium (ex Planilabria)
pirarense Rchb. f. ES, MG, PR, RJ, SC, SP (14) Oblongata
planilabre Lindl sine loco Planilabria
polyodontum Krzl (species dubia, sine loco) Waluewa
praetextum Rchb. f ES, PR, RJ, SP (08) Crispa
psyche Schltr RS (15) Barbata
pubes Lindl ES, MG, RJ, SP (07) Waluewa
pulvinatum Lindl ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Pulvinata
pyxidophorum Rchb. f. (?) Waluewa
ramosum Lindl MG (03) Verrucituberculata
raniferum Lindl PE, RJ, SP Paucituberculata
remotiflorum Garay RJ Waluewa
riograndense Cogn MG, PR, RS, SC, SP Waluewa
rivierianum St. Leg sine loco (16) Crispa
robustissimum Rchb f ES, MG, RJ Pulvinata
sarcodes Lindl ES, MG, PR, RJ, SP Crispa
scansor Rchb f. RO Serpentia
schunkeanum Campaccii & Catharino ES Pulvinata
sellowii Cogn MG,PE Verrucituberculata
silvanum P. Castro e Campacci BA Waluewa
sphegiferum Lindl ES, PR, RJ, RS, SC Pulvinata
spilopterum Lindl GO(?) MG, MS (17) , MT Oblongata
trichodes Lindl PA Barbata
trulliferum Lindl ES, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Rostrata
truncatum Pabst MG, RJ, RS Waluewa
unicolor Rolfe ES – RJ Barbata
uniflorum Booth ES, MG, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Barbata
varicosum Lindl ES ,GO, SP (10) Synsepala
verrucosissimum Cogn ES Waluewa
waluewa Rolfe MS, RJ Waluewa
warmingii Rchb. f. ES, MG, RJ, SP Verrucituberculata
welteri Pabst ES, MG, RJ, SP Synsepala
widgrenii Lindl MG, RJ, RS Waluewa
zappii Pabst ES, RJ Crispa

Natural Hybrids



X colnagoi Pabst
O. zappii X O. gardneri var. caloglossum
X litum Rchb. f. (18)
O. forbesii X O. crispum
According to Carlos Eduardo de Britto, it would be O. forbesii X O. gardneri
X polletianum Rchb. f. (19)
Reichenbach described as a species and arose the hypothesis that it could be a hybrid between O. dasytyle and O. forbesii.
In "Flora Brasilienzis", it appears as a variety of O. gardneri.
To Carlos Eduardo de Britto, it would O. dasytyle X O.curtum
X praestans Rchb. f. (20)
Described as a species and arose the hypothesis that it could be a hybrid between O. daystyle e O. gardneri. .
In "Flora Brasilienzis" it appears as a variety of O. gardneri
To Carlos Eduardo de Britto it would be O. dasytyle X O. forbesii
X punctatum Hort
In "Flora Brasilienzis", it appears as a hybrid between O. forbesii X O. gardneri
X scullyi Pabst & Mello
O. curtum X O. gravesianum
X stanleyi Rolfe
sine loco
O. curtum X O. marshallianum
X wheatleyanum Gower
O. crispum X O. dasytyle
Ornithocidium roczonii Leinig
(Ornithophora radicans X Oncidium riograndense

The recent nomenclatorial changes proposed provoked the transference of some species to other genera however many of them are still known by their old nomenclature, it means, as Oncidium. As it happened with another transferred genera, there is no change in the registration of the hybrids because it would be impossible to change registers that have been doing since 100 years ago.
The formerly recognized Section Plurituberculata is now excluded from the genus and has been elevated to generic rank under the genus Lophiaris established by Raffinnesque in l838. This change has been based on morphologic characteristics and due to the fact that those species present in the index of chromosomes a clear divergence with the genus Oncidium (Karlheinz Senghas, , translated by Waldemar Scheliga in Orquidário, volume 12, nº4)

The formerly Section recognized asOncidium (or section Equitantia Lindl l850) has been excluded of this genus and has been elevated to generic rank under the genus, re-establishing the name of Tolumnia given by Rafinnesque in l836.
The formerly Section recognized as glanduligera has also been excluded from the genus Oncidium and subdivided into two other genus: Psychopsiella Lückel & Braem l982 and Psychopsis Rafin l838

Lophiaris lanceanum (Lindl.) Braëm AM,PA,PE Oncidium lanceanum (Lindl.)
Lophiaris morenoi (Dodson & Luer) Braëm ES, MS, MT, PA, SP Oncidium morenoi Dodson & Luer
Lophiaris nana (Lindl.) Braëm AM, MS, MT, PA Oncidium nanum Lindl
Lophiaris pohliana (Cogn) Braëm (formerly in section pulvinata) SP Oncidium pohlianum Cogn
Lophiaris pumila (Lindl.) Braëm BA, DF, ES, GO , MG, MS, MT, PA, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP Oncidium pumilum Lindl
Lophiaris straminea (Batem ex Lindl.) Braëm
Oncidium stramineum Batem. ex Lindl
Lophiaris schwambachiae (Castro & Toscano) Sengh. ES Oncidium schwambachi Castro & Toscano
Rodricidium (Rodriguezia venusta X Oncidium pumilum) ES a The name has not been changed
Psychopsiella limminghei (Ed. Morr ex Lindl) Lückel & Braëm MG, RJ Oncidium limminghei Ed. Morr ex Lindl.
Psychopsis papilio (Lindl) H. G. Jones a confirmar Oncidium papilio Lindl.
Psychopsis sandarae (Rolfe) Lückel & Braem a confirmar Oncidium sanderaeRolfe
Tolumnia urophylla (Lodd. ex Lindl) Braem AM (?) Oncidium urophyllum Lodd. ex Lindl.


(?) – to be confirmed.

01- barbaceniae 1. Lindl – Pabst considered as Section Oblongata and Garay & Stacy as Section Synsepala

02- Species contested by Senghas in his last work about Oncidium. Carlos Eduardo de Britto Pereira, (CEBP) agreeing with Pabst & Dungs e Garay & Stacy, believes that it is not the same species as Oncidium altissimum Sw. .

03- Garay & Stacy considered O. caldense as synonym of O. ramosum, CEBP agrees with Pabst & Dungs, he believes there are two valid species.

04- Species contested by some researches who are in doubt if it is a valid species or a synonym of O. hydrophilum

05- Garay & Stacy e Pabst & Dungs considered O. ottonis as synonym of O. concolor. To CEBP e Senghas, both species are valid.

06- CEBP suspects that O. fimbriatum and O. cornigerum could be the same species, may be different horticultural form.

07- CEBP considers very possible that O. cruciatum would be O. pubes.

08- To Carlos Eduardo, O. praetextum and O. gravesianum and what is called O. enderianum are the same species and Oncidium praetextum would be the valid name.

09- Pabst wrote O. enderanum. We do not know if he has some raison to do this or if it was just a type write mistake. However some researches such as Garay & Stacy, adopted this way of writing .

10- To Carlos Eduardo, O. euxanthinum and O. varicosum would be two different species.

11- O.ghillany
possibly is a different species from O. spilopterum (see the interview)

12- Pabst considered O. mantini as a synonym of O. pectorale Carlos Eduardo considered both species as valid and O. duveeni as a synonym of O. mantini. Senghas considered O. duveniii as a valid species and did not mentioned mantini. O. mantini. According to Carlos Eduardo (agreeing with Rolfe) It can be a natural hybrid between O. forbesi and O. marshallianum.

13- O.pentescostele Rchb. f. – 13- O. pentescostele Rchb. f. - doubt species-possibly O. baueri

14- Carlos Eduardo considers O. montanum Barb. Rodr. and O. pirarense Rchb. F as two valid species. Pabst e Dungs as well as Garay & Stacy considered O. montanum as a synonym of O. pirarense

15- O. psyche
Schltr – Garay and Stacy considered as synonym of O. micropogon. Pabst & Dungs considered as two different species.

16- Pabst & Dungs wrote O. rivieranum, Senghas and Garay & Stacy as O. riviereanum.

17- O.spilopterum Lindl - To Senghas e Garay & Stacy, is section Synsepala

18- X litum Rchb. f. – Senghas considered as species dubia.

19- Pabst & Dungs e Garay & Stacy considered O. pollettianum as synonym of O. gardneri however Carlos Eduardo de Britto Pereira considered as a valid species.

20- Pabst & Dungs e Garay & Stacy considered O. praestans as synonym of O. gardneri.